Bärenherz (Stoffreste)

Fabric for charity

Wir spenden unsere Einnahmen an die Stiftung Bärenherz.

We care about the recycling of fabric waste: "We have been looking for alternative recycling methods for our fabric and leather scraps for a long time. Between 2018 and 2020, we wrote to a total of around 40 companies. These included textile recyclers, our fabric suppliers, fabric dealers, felt manufacturers, rag manufacturers - in other words, companies of all kinds. Unfortunately, this has not resulted in a satisfactory solution for us. However, this also means that a lot of robust and high-quality fabrics per year find no further use," says Johannes Brennig.

Fortunately, an internal survey via the König + Neurath app for employees in autumn 2022 brought momentum to the search for a solution and revealed new potential. The cooperation with the Berlin label Glckskind already proves how diverse and creatively our recyclables can be used.

We started a collection of ideas via our internal "YouKNow app" on how we can reuse our fabric scraps. Every colleague was able to participate. The fact that the first concrete projects have already emerged from this is a great success.

Johannes Brennig, sustainability expert at König + Neurath

Brave commitment of our colleague Ulrike

Ulrike Hartmann from the disposition / fleet department has always loved sewing. She shares this passion with her friend Kathrin Blokowski, who works full-time as a florist. The call via the K+N youKNow app "Fabric scraps for your sewing-decorating projects" was the initial spark for their joint idea: to make beautiful things out of the high-quality fabric scraps in order to make many different people happy - not only the buyers of her seasonal gift ideas.

"Kathrin was so taken with the quality of the fabrics and immediately enthusiastic about the idea of saving the raw materials from the dustbin!" says Ulrike. And so the two women set to work already before Christmas.

We are also happy to sew to order

Ulrike Hartmann, Disposition König + Neurath

K+N: What do you sew with the fabric scraps from König + Neurath?

We already started at Christmas time and diligently produced Father Christmas boots and baskets in different sizes. We were then able to sell them at the Christmas market in Petterweil. Some of our colleagues are also enthusiastic about our products and support our project. Now we have already put together an assortment for Easter.

You donate your sales proceeds to the Bärenherz project in Wiesbaden. How did you come up with that?

As mothers or parents of healthy children, it is very close to our hearts to support precisely such institutions. One cannot be grateful enough to have a healthy child! In the Bärenherz Children's Hospice, seriously ill, dying children and adolescents are cared for and nurtured with much love beyond a clinical environment. We are very pleased that we have already been able to collect 305.00 euros with our Christmas campaign and transfer them to the great team!

Where and how can you buy your sewn items?

A good address is Facebook. Here you can find our products under Kathrin´s mini manufaktur can be found. We presented our Christmas items on Facebook and will certainly do the same with the Easter range. Of course, you can also contact me here in the house and place orders for Easter ideas. We try to fulfil the wishes and make a few bear hearts happy again with the proceeds of the Easter campaign.

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König + Neurath AG

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61184 Karben