Swissbau 2018

Discover agile working environments and lighting solutions.

König + Neurath and Artemide in joint showcase

The world of work is changing – technically, structurally, and comprehensively. Organisations today are challenged to utilise space efficiently, whilst catering for different working cultures and allowing scope for employee development. König + Neurath have joined forces with lighting manufacturer Artemide to showcase furnishing and lighting concepts that meet these requirements

König + Neurath show smart tools, future-forward and integrated interior solutions of a modular and flexible design arrangement, for the swift adaptation to different work methods and furnishing requests. Our NET.WORK.PLACE Organic furnishing concept, for example, is perfect for designing work lounges, bistro areas, informal meeting points, creativity zones and welcoming receptions rich in variety. In combination with our LIFE.S desk and conference range, working environments are created where people love to be. The K+N SMART.OFFICE system – our technical response to changes in the working culture – complements the integral product portfolio of König + Neurath. This software and hardware solution supports businesses with the organisation and management of office flows: locate a colleague, a vacant workstation or available meeting rooms or book your required resources in no time. K+N SMART.OFFICE assists in analysing the usage behaviour and provides the basis for fast decision-making that aims to continuously improve spatial offers, work flows and the utilisation of spaces.

Different lighting solutions by the Italian brand Artemide are incorporated in the integrated approach launched at the Swissbau fair in 2018. The company designs customised illumination systems, which includes solutions for modern office scapes.

At Swissbau, König + Neurath presents its competency as a leading provider of office furniture and room systems. Made in Germany.

René Stichel, Managing Director König + Neurath GmbH, Switzerland