
Customer-centric. Custom-built. Partner-oriented.

Customising: we focus on your requirements.

The demands placed on the working environment have increased enormously. At the same time, employees today identify more strongly than ever with their company through their working environment. Customising is therefore a central component of our range when it comes to planning individual, motivating and functional workplace solutions. Our high level of expertise in wood and steel processing as well as our high level of vertical integration enable the family-owned company to react very quickly and flexibly to individual customer requirements and to develop customised furniture concepts. Our serial production starts with batch size 1.

Room systems

Alle Raum-in-Raumlösungen und Glastrennwandsysteme werden an die individuellen Projektanforderungen angepasst. Die Gestaltung der Flächen durch Folierung oder Beleuchtung orientiert sich an den Wünschen der Kunden.

Storage and surfaces

Customized ACTA.PLUS storage space elements with acoustic fronts were developed for the double workstations for mutual use. Side screens also reduce the noise level.

Workstation with integrated and storage unit

To meet the requirements for more efficient use of space, the desk programme and a desk-side storage module can be combined into a compact unit.