Exploring work cultures

Exploring work cultures together

How would you like to work?

Understanding work culture means being able to design perfectly tailored work environments. And more. How do we find out what defindes our work culture? How do we capture that information and analyse it? König + Neurath has the answers. And solutions.

Work cultures are formed from a cluster of different factors. With our specially designed consulting approach, the K+N WORK.CULTURE.MAP., these factors can be reliably analysed and classified. Which features characterise day-to-day interactions? How does management style, agility and the company’s work-life model take shape? What significance do creativity and teamwork have for the company’s success? Using surveys, workshops and a clear visualisation of results, we create the perfect conditions for understanding the factors that shape your work culture.

Work culture is something that characterises even the smallest company.

From work culture analysis to designing actual offices

The K+N WORK.CULTURE.MAP makes it possible to classify the formative dimensions of a work culture and how they interact. With the insights obtained, you receive a meaningful profile that not only forms the basis for your work environment design, but offers in-depth guidance and inspiration on how to move your company forward.

WHow does work culture influence room planning?ie beeinflussen Arbeitskultur die Raumplanung?

Discovering work cultures and creating inspiring working spaces. We support you in discovering your work culture and work with you to develop solutions for holistic spatial experiences.

Use the K+N WORK.CULTURE.MAP for initial inspiration.

Start your journey here!